Friday, August 22, 2008

My New Boots!

When mom came home from work today, she said she had a present for me from Grandma. But first things first, I had to go outside and take care of some urgent business. then we came back in and mom showed me my box. I love boxes! Really, I do. I can play with them for hours. But mom said this one had something in it.

So she opened it and I took a peek inside.

Then I went in for a closer inspection.

Then mom laid out all four socks and all four shoes for me to look at.

Then she put them on me, and for the most part, I didn't mind. And after that, we went outside and I gave them a quick trot around the building. I think I must have looked a little silly, mom giggled some and the neighbors kind of looked at me longer than usual. But I like them.

Mom says tomorrow maybe I can wear them again and we'll go hiking. I can't wait!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I hate the rain!

It was as very long weekend. It rained for-ev-er! And even after it quit raining, mom made me stay inside mostly. She said it was too muddy to play much. It's been a bummer. But the sun is shining today - so hopefully things will be better soon.