Sunday, December 28, 2008

I went to Grandma's house

I'm still really sleepy. It's been a long week. Mom says we drove about 1500 miles on our trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house all the way in Nebraska. We were in the car a long long time, and I stayed awake almost the whole time.

Grandma was still at school when we got there. The next morning I modeled the reindoggie outfit for her, and then she said she had to go feed the birds. I wanted to help, but mom said I had to stay inside. So I watched grandma very closely from inside the house. In my reindoggie costume.

Mom says I have more pictures to share, but we'll save them for a little while. Time for another nap I think!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Mom says Christmas is next week. She says we're going to some place called Nebraska to visit Grandma...and she says Grandma has goodies waiting for me!

Without further's the holiday card mom helped me make!

Create Your OwnpetcentricOddcast Powered

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Holidays...

Grandma sent me a package this week...
And now I'm a reindoggie.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sickly Sunday

I wasn't feeling well today - I made mom get up at 3am to take me outside, then I made her take me out 4 more times before it was even light out. My tummy was upset and I was grumbling. I spent most of the day snoozing and watching football. The good news is I'm feeling much better and ate all my dinner.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm a good boy...

That's what mom told me when she came home from work both times today.

And she's so silly. This morning, she gave me my cookies and then forgot to close my crate when she went to work. But she wasn't surprised to see me out of my crate when she came home for lunch.

And and and...after lunch, she did the same thing again - she forgot to lock my crate.

And and and...she left the TV on in the living room. But I'm not going to tell her what happened on the Young & the Restless, Bold & the Beautiful or Oprah today.

She says tomorrow I get to go play puppies at camp. But then the next day she says I might get to stay out of my crate again. If I keep being a good boy!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I think I missed something...

All week, I've been getting up in the morning. And every morning mom hasn't wanted to get up with me. She says it's still time to be sleeping. She says I need to quit grumbling. She's only 3:30! I don't know what this means.

I do know that eventually, she'll get up and take me out. Then we come back in and I go back to bed after I eat the kibbles in my bowl (that I haven't been eating for supper).

And again, mom keeps saying...Norm, go lay on your part of the bed. I thought the whole bed was mine, and I just pick the warmest spot. One night she tried to move me, but I'm too long. So even if she moves my back end over, by the time she gets my front end moved to...I've already wiggled my back end over to where I want to be. I don't know what the big deal is, it's a huge bed.

And. I miss going to the dog park every night. It's all dark outside by the time mom gets home from work, and she says the dog park has no lights. So we've been walking instead, but it's just not the same.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Grandma said so...

Mom took me shopping tonight. Well, we drove downtown, I waited in the car and then mom came back to the car - with something for me. She said that Grandma thought I needed "it" - but I couldn't tell what "it" was.

So, mom made me try "it" on. She says it matches my harness and leash. I wore it all the way home, and up into the house. I'm still not sure what "it" is...but I don't really mind if mom puts it on me. See....

Mom says we probably don't need it now...she says soon though we will. Oooh...and look at how nicely I match the snowboard bag in the background....

Which reminds says I'm getting a "ski pass". I don't know. I guess she'll bring it home one of these days and then I can tell you about it. Don't tell Grandma...she'll think I need skis and stuff too!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Mom took me to a Howl-O-Ween party last night with a bunch of my friends from Doggie Daycamp. There was a hippie rotweiller, an Energizer Bunny (it was really a dog), some basset hound fairy princesses, a Snow White corgi and all sorts of things. I won 3rd place in the costume contest :) I was Superman! See....

Monday, September 1, 2008


Norm's pouting tonight. Here's what he has to say...

"Mom and her friend Miss Tash left really early this morning, and I know they took fun stuff for being outside with them. But they forgot me! Left me home!"

"When mom came home over 12 hours later, she said I was a lucky pup to get to stay home in the AC and my music. She said they hiked for 9 hours...up some really big hills. She was walking really slow and her face was all red too."

"Mom must have been feeling bad, because she took me to the park. And lots of my friends were there...Samson & Stanley the Bernese Mountain Dogs and Aurora and her sister the huskies. We played lots. Mom was walking really slow still - so I thought it was fun to act like I was pooping on the far side of the park so she'd have to come and look for it."

"When we came home from the park, mom must have still been feeling bad for leaving me home all day, because I got my favorite treat ever - a smoked tendon. She says they come all the way from Nebraska - Karpisek's I think she said.. Anyway, Grandma sends them sometimes. They're yummy!"

"It's still early, but I think mom wants to go to bed I'm going to go chew on my bone and try to be good."


Friday, August 22, 2008

My New Boots!

When mom came home from work today, she said she had a present for me from Grandma. But first things first, I had to go outside and take care of some urgent business. then we came back in and mom showed me my box. I love boxes! Really, I do. I can play with them for hours. But mom said this one had something in it.

So she opened it and I took a peek inside.

Then I went in for a closer inspection.

Then mom laid out all four socks and all four shoes for me to look at.

Then she put them on me, and for the most part, I didn't mind. And after that, we went outside and I gave them a quick trot around the building. I think I must have looked a little silly, mom giggled some and the neighbors kind of looked at me longer than usual. But I like them.

Mom says tomorrow maybe I can wear them again and we'll go hiking. I can't wait!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I hate the rain!

It was as very long weekend. It rained for-ev-er! And even after it quit raining, mom made me stay inside mostly. She said it was too muddy to play much. It's been a bummer. But the sun is shining today - so hopefully things will be better soon.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Big Weekend

So here's what Norm has to say today...

Friday, mom came home from work and said we were going to the river. YEAH! I love going to the river - mom has cool friends down there. But we didn't leave right away. Then Miss Tash came over and put her stuff in mom's car. Hmmm.

So after I got in the back seat, we were off to the river. But we didn't stop where we usually do. Then mom & Miss Tash got out of the car and made a little cave for us - they called it a tent. Mom put my mat and a new camping bed in the tent. Mom & Tash yeah, sleeping bags. Then we all went to bed.

In the morning, we went to the Dome House and I gave it the once over for snacks. By then mom was ready to leave. We went to the office and I got to hang out with Miss Holly for a little while. I really didn't want to stay in the office though - I even wrestled my way out of my harness to go visit mom and her rafters in the parking lot. I think Mom was upset - she carried me back into the office. I'm a big boy she says.

Sunday I got to hang out with Holly & Chuck at the office - they're my favorites. Before that though, I got to go "run shuttle" for mom's river trip that day.

On the way home on Sunday, we stopped at Coney Island and mom got me an ice cream cone! After that we came home. I was so tired, I fell asleep sitting up in the backseat of the car.

That's about all for now, I'm ready for a nap.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm soooooooo tired

I'm so sleepy fact, I'm actually dictating this post telepathically from my sleepy spot on the floor tonight.

We've been busy lately. A couple of weeks ago, grandma came back! It wasn't just grandma though, mom says it was "everyone". Aunt Katie came from Brooklyn and lots of other folks too. I didn't get to see too many of them though, because the pet lodge I was staying at thought I might have kennel cough - turns out I didn't, but I had to stay away from everyone just in case.

I got to stay in a new place one night with mom. It was kind of wierd, but fun. It was this big room with two beds and a tv, and a bathroom. I wish we had two beds here, then I could jump back and forth on them all the time, just like I did at was that place...oh yeah, at the hotel.

Since it's been so light when mom gets home from work, I've been getting to go to the dog park more often and for really really long walks some nights. It's lots of fun.

Tonight, mom cut up some special snacks for me, she said we were going to work on some new tricks, but while she wasn't looking, I swiped them off the counter. She wasn't very happy - but the thing is, I don't have to stand on the counter, I can just put my front paws up there and then get almost anything I want. So I didn't work on tricks tonight...maybe she'll get some more treats out tomorrow. I hope so.

That's all for now.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Grandma came to visit

Last weekend, Grandma & Aunt Amy came to visit!!!!

And we drove around in the mountains a whole bunch....

And and and...we played a whole bunch too...

I liked playing "Where's Grandma", but by Saturday morning, Grandma didn't want to play anymore. I didn't even get to go see my friends Ralph and Maggie at PC's Pantry they went without me. Mom brought me some snacks and this furminator thing - which I've been trying to tolerate. Aunt Amy brought me my very own microwave popcorn too - just for doggies.

We had lots of fun and mom says she's coming back in 2 weeks...but I have to go to the pet lodge that time. Mom says I'll get to go play some though - we're all going to the mountains. Mom says "everyone" is coming - I'm so excited!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Mountains

I got up really early this morning...I heard much grumbling as mom got her sweatshirt and shoes on to take me out. And when we came back in, I really wanted breakfast - even if I was up at least 2 hours early. What? I was hungry. So after flashing my basset hound eyes - I got my breakfast and then mom went back to bed, so I did too, for a while anyway.

Eventually, mom decided we'd go for a drive - to the mountains. My favorite, they have a great dog park that I love in the mountains. And and and...after we were in the car for a while, mom said we could stop and see Ralph and get some cookies in Boulder. That's where we go to get my favorite cookies. Ralph is a giant dog, with super droopy eyes. St. Bernard mom says. He's HUGE!

So mom and I drove more after Boulder. After a while, she said we were in the park. But it wasn't my dog park...I never even got out of the car in the park. We did see some big big animals with antlers - mom called them elk. They were running. Some other stupid humans were standing very close to the running "elk".

After the park, mom took me shopping in town for a while. Well, in the stores that like dogs anyway. I was very good. When she wanted to look at something she'd tell me to sit, and I would sit and wait for her to get done looking, but sometimes if she took too long, I'd just lay down. The store people said I was so good, they gave me cookies. I love cookies!

Then finally, we went to my park. But by then, it was really windy, and a little snowy. My slobber was kind of freezing to my big flappy lips after about 10 minutes or so. And mom was silly and didn't wear a hat or coat, so we decided that was enough.

And apparently it was, because I slept all the way home.