Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mom says it's my Birthday!

I'm one wiped out birthday boy today. Mom and I watched the Huskers play in the Gator Bowl - I even cheered a whole bunch, mostly when she did. Then mom drove me to the Dog Park so that I could run and play with my doggie friends. I mostly played with Frosty & Dozer the great danes today, and man did they wear me out.

Mom says I've really grown...I'd say...see how big I was when I came to live here...

That was on March 17, 2007...and I was all of 18 pounds.
And boy...growing up was exhausting.

And now...I'm a whole two years old and quite a big boy. Mom says I'm about 80 pounds these days.
And quite handsome, too.

And...she still lets me sit on her lap.

I think I'm a lucky dog!


Life in Nebraska said...

I am sorryI missed your birthday Norm. I have been busy looking out the window at all my friends. They sure look cold out there. I guess we are pretty lucky. Well anyway I hope you had a happy one....your friend from Omaha...Zipper2

Dana said...
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Dana said...

Thanks Zipper2!
And thanks also for the yummy cookies in my Christmas box. They're some of my favorites! I'd like to get my hands on that bag, but mom keeps it up way too high for me to get to. Darn it.