Friday, December 28, 2007

I'm home!

Mom took me to doggy daycamp a long time ago, and finally, this morning, she came to take me home. She said that she had to fly to grandma and grandpa's for Christmas...ok, sure, whatever that means.

But when we got home this morning...OHMIGOODNESS!!!!! "Presents", yeah, I think that's what mom called them. Lots of them. Some were toys, some were snacks. Some were toys with snacks in them. But wow. Mom says I'm a lucky dog...and I think she's right.

I've already begun to dismantle the toy that talks to me...I'm just dying to find the little person inside who keeps yelling Ho Ho Ho....he's got to be in there somewhere.

Anyway, I hope that I get to stay home for a long time now. I like being at home...especially with all the new toys and goodies.

Oh...and next week is my birthday...yippee!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Now I get it....

Mom kept saying that we were moving...
So last Friday we leave our apartment, which by the way was getting smaller and smaller it seemed, because of all these boxes she kept stacking up...and I go to play puppies at camp. Well, when mom finally came to get me, we didn't go home. Mom said we were going home, but we went to this new place I had been a few times, that used to be all empty. BUT this time, we walked in the door and all of those boxes that were at my old apartment were in the living room at this place. Crazy. And our couch, my mat, my crate, the bed...everything it was all there.

It's been a week and I'm getting used to everything. I like the new place, just like mom said I would. I've been meeting lots of new doggie friends too.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Boxes and other chew toys

Oh boy!
I love boxes. I love them alot. I can chew on them, shred them, and even chew on the little pieces. Mom's always had a few boxes tucked under the sofa that she never lets me chew on. Well, this week, our home is full of boxes, big ones, little ones...boxes everywhere! But now, I can't seem to drag the boxes around like I want, they're just too heavy.

So mom says the reason for the boxes is that we're moving...I'm not so sure about this, and I try to give her a look that says I don't understand, but she won't tell me any more than that I will like it. I hope I do! I think it's happening soon, because there are more boxes than there were last week.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I graduated...and lots of other stuff's been a long time since Norm and I have had some time to sit down and put together a post. So here are the highlights, according to Norm...

In September mom took me to Doggy Daycamp one day...but then I had to sleep there. For FOUR WHOLE NIGHTS. Unbelievable. At least the people at the PetHotel like me enough to put me up front so I could see everyone in the lobby, and mom did let me play a few days, so it wasn't all bad. And I did get some special snacks when I saw her again. She said something about the woods and bay and francisco.

October was busy. First, I graduated from Canine College. I did much better than Mr. Ted ever thought possible. Even better than the border collie and german sheperd. I tried so hard...and when I did so well, I got new squeeky toys. I love tearing those things apart. But these are tough! I still have them. Mom said she's really surprised.

Also in October, I got invited to three halloween parties. They were all doggy parties, only none of the dogs looked like dogs and mom kept calling me Superman. So strange.

And now its November. Tonight, I helped mom bring in the groceries. She got a lot of stuff, said something about giving. And by helping to bring in the groceries...I mean I took my time to sniff everything in the yard while she was carrying all 8 bags. hehe...what? Like I have hands.

There was one day in there somewhere when I was really sick. Well a couple of days. But the one day was the worst. Mom went to work and I had to GO! Bad! When mom came home she made me get in the bathtub right away. And I had 3 was crazy. But I'm much better now.

The only other thing that is puzzling me these days is that mom keeps talking about our new house...she says I will love it, but I just don't know what's going on. She says before Christmas we will be there.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Report Card - Canine College Week 2

Mom came home from work today and we were off to school. I am happy to report that I was a very good boy tonight, lots of people said so.

We did lots of walking around and sniffing of the other dogs (we had to get a hall pass for part of that...when you gotta go you gotta go, and preferably without an audience). I finally got to meet Moose...the 10 month old Bull Mastiff...he's a big big boy, but very nice too!

Then we had to practice how to heel. Then I had to sit by mom for a while and eventually Mr. Ted came and played with me but when mom said "Norm, Come!" I knew that I needed to go right to her, and sit down...we've been practicing at home. But mom was very surprised when I did just that even though she didn't have any snacks in her hand. None. And when it wasn't my turn, I just sat next to her, right by her left foot. I think I need a halo. Or at least some yummy snacks!

Then...Mr. Ted talked for a long time and we all just had to sit there. I was lucky, mom sat by the window and I got to watch outside most of the time. She says I was a really really good boy tonight. Next week we are going to learn down/stay.

That's it...I'm going to bed....being a good puppy is exhausting!


Saturday's Super No Bueno Scavaging

So Norm's dictating again tonight, as will usually be the case. Poor guy just can't spread his paws apart far enough to type easily. And frankly, I'm happy not to have his cookie drool on the keyboard and's what he has to say about his weekend....

Saturday mom took me to the park...she said we had to do homework for school. I like doing school work. I don't know why she makes a big deal, we're just walking and I sit when she stops. I like that. She said I was a very good boy because I didn't pull on the leash at all. Not even when it was time to go play with the other doggies in the doggie part of the park.

After doing homework mom took me to a new store...well, I'd never been there and unless she was holding out on me, she hadn't either. It was fun...the nice lady gave me some snacks and mom got a few treats for me.

Then we went home and I had to go to my crate since mom was doing boring shopping that I couldn't help with, and it was hot outside. I didn't want to stay in the car. Ick! So here's where the super no bueno part of the day comes about...get ready. Mom's a little scatterbrained now and then...I love those days. Well, she gives me my favorite peanut butter kong and puts me in the crate, picks up her wallet and off she goes. Hehehe...she forgot to latch both doors to the crate. So as soon as I knew she was gone, I made a break for it. Sure enough, the whole house was mine! All Mine!

Now on Friday, mom had some yummy smelling supper but she didn't share. But she did leave the bag up on the stove, so I helped myself to it, along with anything else I could find that I could shred. When mom came home an hour and a half later, I was so proud to show her everything that I had found and left on display in the living room. She seemed pleased that I had left her shoes alone, but did not look too happy. She picked up the mess, took me out and all was well.

Until Sunday morning. I tried to tell her...but she was sleeping. I almost puked on her but she woke up and took me outside. We almost made it out, I got sick in the elevator, and then again outside. Apparently I'm not supposed to eat little plastic butter containers...the tiny ones. Mom says I'm a very lucky dog. Also, apparently they don't all come back up at the same time because I puked up another one this morning. Mom says that's a couple of good lessons for us both. She can't leave stuff on the stove, eating stuff that she doesn't feed me makes me feel icky and well, mom doesn't need the butter!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Greetings From Norm

Since we all know that paws make for difficult typing...Norm asked me to share his thoughts for the week with you...

1. Obedience school is no trip to the park. Really. We get to walk around a lot, but they don't let us play much...and there's a bull mastiff puppy that I'd really like to play with...really I would. And now mom's making me do things from school all the time. Like when she stops walking, she wants me to sit down next to her and wait, patiently. I'm a puppy...come on. But I try.

2. I have a really cool grandma! Apparently mom told her that I don't like the rain much. So last week, she sent mom a rainjacket/windbreaker for me. At first I really wasn't having it, but it was really rainy on Wednesday. I mean really! Mom put my coat on before we went out and guess what. It works...I didn't get rained on at all. And mom told Mr. Jeff that I looked really cute with it on, hood and all! I think she has some pictures.

3. I miss going to the park. Mr. Ted from school says we shouldn't go there while I'm in school. I've kind of been pouting about it. I think tomorrow mom might let me go for a little while after we go on a nice long walk at Sloans Lake.

4. Mom needs to start going to bed earlier. I keep trying to convince her that it's bed time and she will go with me for a while, but she doesn't stay. Then I wake up and have to go back and get her again. She's silly sometimes.